Professional Developmental Process as outlined in The Evolving Professional Self - Skovholt & Ronnestad
Look at the following developmental stages and ask yourself where you fit. These stages are not for the individual who has entered the field for reasons other than their own. Highlight the stage/s that fit you today. Like most developmental models, you may find yourself spread between two or three stages, but you will get a sense of where you stand.
The Explorer - The “sense of a quest” stage of the new mental health professional. They have not yet been formally trained but explore their desire to enter the field through volunteer or entry-level work experience.
The Student - Transition to Professional Stage - This is the formal training stage. The student is usually strongly shaped by the educational setting and internships that are offered. This makes it important to explore the educational choices in the field before choosing a school.
The Practice Begins - Imitation of Experts Stage - Every professional remembers their first client and how it felt in this new role of “healer.” Often there is some feeling of being an imposter. This is a good time to declare a specialty in the type of treatment methodology you feel the most expert in and congruent with. Examples of standard specialties are group therapy, hypnosis, behavioral change, biofeedback, family therapy, gestalt, couples therapy etc.
Reaching Out - Conditional Autonomy Stage - This stage fosters a desire to reach out to other professionals and talk about “the work.” If marketing tools is in place they can be distributed increasing market presence. Marketing materials from the previous stage can be used, especially if the professional maintains a thread of continuity from one stage to another.
ReFraming Your Work - Exploration Stage - All of your previous experience and education is reflected on as a working tool and its impact on the clinician. New perspectives and creative new ways of working are explored. The professional relationships that have developed can now be used as a platform to dialogue about new ideas regarding the nature of the work. Networking is a natural marketing tool at this stage. It may be a time of brainstorming and coming up with colleagues who want to explore similar arenas.
The Promotion of Work Through Self - Integration Stage - It becomes easier at this point to begin to market yourself personally. You feel comfortable with a personal brochure about “your work.” Now is a good time to invest in a logo or graphic design if you have not done it already.
Sharing Insights - Individuation Stage - There can now be a further development of the identity of the professional as the primary professional resource. This is a good time to write about your insights into “the work.” Relationships with colleagues at this point may become more linear with others wanting model after or learn and integrate your approaches into theirs.
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